Вы можете скачать Mauriel Hearn - Like Me песню в mp3 формате и хорошем качестве! Чтобы ознакомится с треком нажмите Слушать онлайн и наслаждайтесь любимыми песнями в лучшем звучании онлайн бесплатно.

Текст песни

You don't like me
Wanna fight me
Think i'm trifling
I don't like you
Want to fight you
Can you tell i'm lying

I'm dying to see you but we keep
Lying but i can see the truth
So now we dancing in hells kitchen
And imma keep dishing out these hits like ammunition
Primitive mind state
Bitch get your mind straight
You the type to take love as a weakness
Best things in life is free
Not some cheap shit
I paid attention
Now i know this
I know that

You don't like me
Wanna fight me
Think I'm trifling
Aaauahight then
I don't like you
Want to fight you
Can you tell i'm lying
Oh yeah

Can you tell i'm lying
Smoothest piece of chocolate that you'll ever meet
Smoothest piece of hershey chocolate like me
Like me he he
Like mj
He he he
He looking like a motherfukin'


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